Setting up an Android phone as a WebPageTest agent

Running detailed website performance tests is often necessary to understand how a website is experienced by an end user in order to identify opportunities for improvements. gives us the ability to run these tests from all over the world – the public instance even gives us access to real devices, so we can check […]

Automating WebPageTest using the nodejs webpagetest-api package

Hopefully you’ve already had a chance to play around with the amazing WebPageTest during your website performance testing adventure so far. In case not, I have a few articles you might like to browse, to help you get up to speed using this fantastic, free, open source, website performance testing tool. It has a website […]

A Step by Step Guide to using Terraform to define an AutoScaling Private WebPageTest instance in code

Update: November 2021 This article is out of date; there are no longer WebPageTest Server AMIs, so you need to install WPT on a base OS. There is an updated article here Automate Your WebPageTest Private Instance With Terraform: 2021 Edition In a previous article I went through the steps needed to create your own […]

AI Awesomeness Part Deux! Microsoft Cognitive Services Speaker Identification

In a recent article I introduced Microsoft Cognitive Services’ Speaker Verification service, using a recording of a person repeating one of a set of key phrases to verify that user by their voiceprint. The second main feature of the Speaker Recognition API is Speaker Identification, which can compare a piece of audio to a selection […]

AI Awesomeness! Microsoft Cognitive Services Speech Verification

Microsoft have been consistently ramping up their AI offerings over the past couple of years under the grouping of “Cognitive Services”. These include some incredible offerings as services for things that would have required a degree in Maths and a deep understanding of Python and R to achieve, such as image recognition, video analysis, speech […]