AI Awesomeness Part Deux! Microsoft Cognitive Services Speaker Identification

The Speaker Recognition API: AI Awesomeness

In a recent article I introduced Microsoft Cognitive Services’ Speaker Verification service, using a recording of a person repeating one of a set of key phrases to verify that user by their voiceprint.

The second main feature of the Speaker Recognition API is Speaker Identification, which can compare a piece of audio to a selection of voiceprints and tell you who was talking! For example, both Barclays and HSBC banks have investigated using passive speaker identification during customer support calls to give an added layer of user identification while you’re chatting to customer support. Or you could prime your profiles against all the speakers in a conference, and have their name automatically appear on screen when they’re talking in a panel discussion.

In this article I’m going to introduce you to the Speaker Identification API from the Cognitive Services and go through an example of using it for fun and profit! Though mainly fun.

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AI Awesomeness! Microsoft Cognitive Services Speech Verification

AI Awesomeness: The Speaker Recognition API

Microsoft have been consistently ramping up their AI offerings over the past couple of years under the grouping of “Cognitive Services”. These include some incredible offerings as services for things that would have required a degree in Maths and a deep understanding of Python and R to achieve, such as image recognition, video analysis, speech synthesis, intent analysis, sentiment analysis and so much more.

I think it’s quite incredible to have the capability to ping an endpoint with an image and very quickly get a response containing a text description of the image contents. Surely we live in the future!

In this article I’m going to introduce you to the Cognitive Services, focus on the Speech Recognition ones, and implement a working example for Speaker Verification.

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