Smart TV 101 : Part #3 – Deploying to TV

I’m committing to doing 12 months of “101”s; posts and projects themed at beginning something new (or reasonably new) to me. January was all about node development awesomeness. February is all about Smart TV apps.

Deploying to a TV

Now that we’ve got a basic Smart TV app this post will investigate how to get that app on to the TV itself.

Packaging using the IDE

During the initial installation of the IDE you will have been asked to installed Apache; this is what it’s all been leading up to! You actually just need a web server on your home network somewhere; doesn’t have to be apache, doesn’t have to be on your developer pc.


Make sure you’ve configured your Server settings within the IDE preferences:

The packaging process will drop a zip file into a Widget/ subdirectory of this directory.

Initiating package creation

As for actually creating the package, if you’re using the Eclipse IDE then you’re spoiled for choice: highlight the project in your project explorer and then either

  1. Click the Samsung App Packaging button
  2. Click the Samsung Smart TV SDK menu, then click App Packaging
  3. Right click the project in project explorer, Samsung Smart TV SDK, Packaging

Whichever you do you’ll end up with the same results:


Assuming you’ve set up the server settings in your preferences then you’ll end up with:

  1. a zip file placed within the SDK installation’s Package/ directory
  2. the same zip file placed in a Widget/ subdirectory on your configured server
  3. a new (or updated) widgetlist.xml file in the root of your configured server’s directory


Make sure that you can browse to this file and that Apache is running by opening a browser and putting in http://<your development pc’s IP>/widgetlist.xml

Anatomy of a package and a widgetlist

So what is a package made of? Looking at the image above for the the zip file that’s created you’ll see that it looks almost identical to the contents of your application within the workspace:

So essentially the packaging step is zipping up your project directory, putting it into a specified web server subdirectory, and updating an XML file. Obviously, you shouldn’t need an IDE or SDK to do this sort of thing and I’ll be getting on to this development & deployment process without using Eclipse or installing Apache in a later post.


Now that we have a package it’s time to load it on to your Smart TV. For this post I’ll be talking about deploying from the development pc via your home network, and in a later post will be talking about loading in packages externally.

TV setup

Make sure your TV is connected to your network and that your development pc’s Windows Firewall is off (or at least configured to allow local network traffic).

  • Turn on the TV
  • Go to your app hub/Smart Hub
  • Press the Login button
  • Create an account using the username “develop” and set a password

developer account

After you’ve successfully created the develop user you need to

  • Open the Settings menu
  • Open the new Development sub menu
  • Choose Setting server IP and enter the IP of your development PC
  • Choose User application synchronisation to check the apps that are listed in widgetlist.xml and install (or update) them all

download dev app

You should now find your application on the App Hub screen with a little red “user” banner over it; select it to run it, just like any other app.


Node.js 101: Wrap up

Year of 101s, Part 1 – Node January

Summary – What was it all about?

I set out to spend January learning some node development fundementals.

Part #1 – Intro

I started with a basic intro to using node – a Hello World – which covered what node.js is, how to create the most basic of all programs, and mentioned some of the development environments.

Part #2 – Serving web content

Second was creating a very simple node web server, which covered using nodemon to develop your node app, the concept of exports, basic request routing, and serving various content types.

Part #3 – A basic API

Next was a simple API implementation, where I proxy calls to the Asos API, return a remapped subset of the data returned, reworked the routing creating basic search functionality and a detail page, and touched on being able to pass in command line arguements.

Part #4 – Basic deployment and hosting with Appharbor, Azure, and Heroku

Possibly the most interesting and fun post for me to work on involved deploying the node code on to three cloud hosting solutions where I discovered the oddities each provider has, various solutions to the problems this raises, as well as some debugging cleverness (nice work, Heroku!). The simplicity of a git-remote-push-deploy process is incredible, and really makes quick application development and hosting even more enjoyable!

Part #5 – Packages

Another interesting one was getting to play with node packages, the node package manager (npm), the express web framework, jade templating engine, and stylus css pre-processor, and deploying node apps with packages to cloud hosting.

Part #6 – Web-based development

The final part covered the fantastic Cloud9IDE, including a (very) basic intro to github, and how Cloud9 can still be used in developing and deploying directly to Azure, Appharbor, or Heroku.

What did I get out of it?

I really got into githubbing and OSSing, and really had to try hard to not over stretch myself as I had starting forking repos to try and make a few tweaks to things whilst working on the node month.

It has been extremely inspiring and has opened up so many other random tangents for me to explore in other projects at some other time. Very motivating stuff.

I’ve now got a month of half decent blog posts – I had only intended to do a total of 4 posts but including this one I’ve done 7, since I kept adding more information as it turned up and needed to split a few posts into two.

Also I’ve learned a bit about blogging; trying to do posts well in advance allowed me to build up the details once I’d discovered more whilst working on subsequent posts. For example, how Appharbor and Azure initially track master – but can be configured to track different branches. Also, debugging with Heroku only came up whilst working with packages in Heroku.

Link list

Node tutorials and references

Setting up a node development environment on Windows
Node Beginner – a great article, and I’ve also bought the associated eBooks. – the official node site, the only place to go for reference

Understanding Javascript better

Execution in The Kingdom of Nouns
Object Orientation and Inheritance in Javascript


Appharbor and git


Heroku toolbelt download and reference
node on Heroku


Checkout what Azure can do!

February – coming up, Samsung Smart TV App Development!

Yeah, seriously. How random is that?.. 🙂

Node.js 101: Part #6 – Web-Based Development

Web-Based Development

Following on from my recent post about doing something this year, I’m committing to doing 12 months of “101”s; posts and projects themed at begining something new (or reasonably new) to me

January is all about node, and I started with a basic intro, then cracked open a basic web server with content-type manipulation and basic routing, created a basic API, before getting stuck into some great deployment and hosting solutions and then an intro to using node packages including cloud deployment

In my previous posts I’ve been developing code locally, committing to a local git repo and pushing to a remote git repo. This is fine for the particular situation, but what about when I’m not at my own pc and feel the need to make some changes? Maybe I’m at my dad’s place using his netbook with no dev tools installed?


Cloud9 is an incredible web-based development environment that is so feature-rich you’d usually expect to fork out wads of cash for the opportunity to use it: LIVE interactive collaborative development in the same shared IDE (see multiple people editing a file at once), code completion, syntax highlighting, an integrated console for those useful commands like ssh, git, npm.

It’s frikkin open source too, so you could install it on your own servers and have your own private IDE for your own code, based in a web browser. How amazing is that?

It’s built on Node.js in the back-end and javascript and HTML5 at the front. I’ve been playing around on there for the past year, and it’s been improving all the time – it’s just the best thing around. Go and start using it now. There are still some bugs, but if you find something you can always try to fix it and send a pull request!


So. That’s great for my web-based development, so how about if I need to collaborate on this project with people who I’m not sharing my C9 environment with?


If you’re not already using github but are already using git (what the hell are you playing at?!), go and sign up for this exceptionally “powerful collaboration, review, and code management for open source and private development projects.”

You configure github as your git remote, push your code to it, and other users can pull, fork, edit, and send pull requests, so that you’re still effectively in charge of your own code repository whilst others can contribute to it or co-develop with you.


Great. So how do I deploy my code if I’m using this sort of remote, web-based development environment?


Deploying to an existing Azure/Appharbor/Azure site from Cloud9IDE is the same as from your local dev pc; set up a remote and push to it! C9 has a built in terminal should the bare command line at the bottom of the screen not do it for you.

As for creating a new hosting environment, C9 also includes the ability to create them from within itself for both Azure and Heroku! I’ve actually never managed to get this working, but am quite happy to create the empty project on Heroku/Azure/Appharbor and use git from within C9 to deploy.


Coming up

Next post will be the last for this first month of my Year of 101s: January Wrap-Up – Node.js 101; a summary of what I’ve learned in January whilst working with Node, as well as a roundup of the useful links I’ve used to get all of the information.

What’s in February’s 101?.. wait and see..!

Node.js 101: Part #5 – Packages

Following on from my recent post about doing something this year, I’m committing to doing 12 months of “101”s; posts and projects themed at begining something new (or reasonably new) to me

January is all about node, and I started with a basic intro, then cracked open a basic web server with content-type manipulation and basic routing, created a basic API, before getting stuck into some great deployment and hosting solutions

Node Packages

Up until now I’ve been working with node using the basic code I’ve written myself. What about if you want to create an application that utilises websockets? Or how about a Sinatra-inspired web framework to shortcut the routing and request handling I’ve been writing? Maybe you want to have a really easy to build website without having to write HTML with a nice look without writing any CSS? Like coffeescript? mocha? You gaddit.

Thanks to the node package manager you can easily import pre-built packages into your project to do alllll of these things and loads more. This command line tool (which used to be separate but is now a part of the node install itself) can install the packages in a ruby gem-esque/.Net nuget fashion, pulling down all the dependencies automatically.

Example usage:
[code]npm install express -g[/code]

The packages (compiled C++ binaries, just like node itself) are pulled either into your working directory (local node_modules folder) or as a global package (with the “-g” parameter). You then reference the packages in your code using “requires”.

Or you can install everything your project needs at once by creating a package.json e.g.:
"name": "basic-node-package",
"version": "0.0.1",
"dependencies": {
"express": "*",
"jade": "*",
"stylus": "*",
"nib": "*"

And then call [code]npm install[/code]

A great intro to using these four packages can be found on the clock website

I’ve decided to write a wrapper for my basic node API using express, jade, stylus, and nib. All I’m doing is call the api and displaying the results on a basic page. The HTML is being written in jade and the css in stylus & nib. Routing is being handled by express.

[js]var express = require(‘express’)
, stylus = require(‘stylus’)
, nib = require(‘nib’)
, proxy = require(‘./proxy’)

var app = express()
function compile(str, path) {
return stylus(str)
.set(‘filename’, path)
app.set(‘views’, __dirname + ‘/views’)
app.set(‘view engine’, ‘jade’)
{ src: __dirname + ‘/public’
, compile: compile
app.use(express.static(__dirname + ‘/public’))

var host = ‘’;

app.get(‘/products/:search/:key’, function (req,response) {
console.log("Request handler ‘products’ was called");

var requestPath = ‘/products/’ + + ‘?key=’ + req.params.key;

proxy.getRemoteData(host, requestPath, function(json){
var data = JSON.parse(json);

title: ‘Products for’ + data.category,
products: data.products,
key: req.params.key

app.get(‘/product/:id/:key’, function (req,response) {
console.log("Request handler ‘product’ was called");

var requestPath = ‘/product/’ + + ‘?key=’ + req.params.key;

proxy.getRemoteData(host, requestPath, function(json){
var data = JSON.parse(json);

title: data.title,
product: data

app.get(‘/’, function (req,response) {
console.log("Request handler ‘index’ was called");


So that file sets up the express, jade, and stylus references and wires up the routes for /products/ and /product/ which then make a call using my old proxy.js to the API; I can probably do all of this with a basic inline http get, but I’m just reusing it for the time being.

Notice how the route “/products/:search/:key” which would actually be something like “/products/jeans/myAp1k3Y” is referenced using and req.params.key.

Then all I’m doing is making the API call, parsing the returned JSON and passing that parsed object to the view.

The views are written in jade and have a main shared one:
title #{title}
link(rel=’stylesheet’, href=’/stylesheets/style.css’)
h1 basic-node-packages
block content
block sidebar
p Running on node with Express, Jade and Stylus[/code]

Then the route-specific ones:

[code]extend layout
block content
each product in products
a(href=’/product/’ + + ‘/’ + key)


[code]extend layout
block content
li= product.title
li= product.price[/code]

The stylesheet is written in stylus & nib:

* Import nib
@import ‘nib’

* Grab a custom font from Google
@import url(‘’)

* Nib provides a CSS reset

* Store the main color and
* background color as variables
main-color = #fa5b4d
background-color = #faf9f0

font-family ‘Georgia’
background-color background-color
color #444

font-family ‘Quicksand’
padding 50px 10px
color #fff
font-size 25px
text-align center

* Note the use of the `main-color`
* variable and the `darken` function
background-color main-color
border-bottom 1px solid darken(main-color, 30%)
text-shadow 0px -1px 0px darken(main-color, 30%)

margin 50px auto
overflow hidden

float left

margin-bottom 20px


line-height 1.8

margin 50px auto
border-top 1px dotted #ccc
padding-top 5px
font-size 13px[/css]

And this is compiled into browser-agnostic css upon compilation of the app.

The other files used:

[js]var http = require(‘http’);

function getRemoteData(host, requestPath, callback){

var options = {
host: host,
port: 80,
path: requestPath

var buffer = ”;
var request = http.get(options, function(result){

result.on(‘data’, function(chunk){
buffer += chunk;

result.on(‘end’, function(){

request.on(‘error’, function(e){console.log(‘error from proxy call: ‘ + e.message)});
exports.getRemoteData = getRemoteData;[/js]

"name": "basic-node-package",
"version": "0.0.1",
"dependencies": {
"express": "*",
"jade": "*",
"stylus": "*",
"nib": "*"

<compilation batch="false" />
<add name="iisnode" path="app.js" verb="*" modules="iisnode" />
<iisnode loggingEnabled="false" />

<rule name="myapp">
<match url="/*" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="app.js" />

All of these files are, as usual, on Github

Deployment with Packages

Something worth bearing in mind is that deploying something which includes packages and the result of packages (e.g. minified js or css from styl) requires all of these artifacts to be added into your git repo before deployment to certain hosts such as Appharbor and Azure; Heroku will actually run an npm install as part of the deployment step, I believe, and also compile the .styl into .css, unlike Azure/Appharbor.

The files above give a very basic web interface to the /products/ and /product/ routes:


Coming up

Web-based node development and deployment!

Node.js 101 : Part #4 – Basic Deployment and Hosting with Azure, Heroku, and AppHarbor

Following on from my recent post about doing something this year, I’m committing to doing 12 months of “101”s; posts and projects themed at beginning something new (or reasonably new) to me.

January is all about node, and I started with a basic intro, then cracked open a basic web server with content-type manipulation and basic routing, and the last one was a basic API implementation

Appharbor, Azure, and Heroku

Being a bit of a cocky git I said on twitter at the weekend:

It’s not quite that easy, but it’s actually not far off!

Deployment & Hosting Options

These are not the only options, but just three that I’m aware of and have previously had a play with. A prerequisite for each of these – for the purposes of this post – is using git for version control since AppHarbor, Azure, and Heroku support git hooks and remotes; this means essentially you can submit your changes directly to your host, which will automatically deploy them (if pre-checks pass).

I’ll be using the set of files from my previous API post for this one, except I need to change the facility to pass in command line args for the api key to instead take it from a querystring parameter.

The initial files are the same as the last post and can be grabbed from github

Those changes are:

app.js (removed lines about getting value from command line):

[js]var server = require("./server"),
router = require("./router"),
requestHandlers = require("./requestHandlers");

// only handling GETs at the moment
var handle = {}
handle["favicon.ico"] = requestHandlers.favicon;
handle["product"] = requestHandlers.product;
handle["products"] = requestHandlers.products;

var port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
server.start(router.route, handle, port);[/js]

server.js (added in querystring param usage):

[js highlight=”7″]var http = require("http"),
url = require("url");

function start(route, handle, port) {
function onRequest(request, response) {
var pathname = url.parse(request.url).pathname;
var apiKey = url.parse(request.url, true).query.key;
route(handle, pathname, response, apiKey);

console.log("Server has started listening on port " + port);

exports.start = start;[/js]

The “.query” returns a querystring object, which means I can get the parameter “key” by using “.key” instead of something like [“key”].

Ideal scenario

In the perfect world all I’d need to do is something like:
[code]git add .
git commit -m "initial node stuff"
git push {azure/appharbor/heroku/whatever} master
new site deployed to
have a lovely day
and I could pop off for a cup of earl grey.

In order to get to that point there were a few steps I needed to take for each of the three hosts.



Getting started

First things first; go and sign up for a free account with AppHarbor.

Then set up a new application in order to be given your git remote endpoint to push to.

I’ve previously had a play with Appharbor, but this is the first time I’m using it for more than just a freebie host.


It’s not quite as simple as I would have liked; there are a couple of things that you need to bear in mind. Although Appharbor supports node deployments they are primarily a .Net hosting service and use Windows hosting environments (even though they’re on EC2 as opposed to Azure). Running node within iis means that you need to supply a web.config file and give it some IIS-specific info.

The config file I had to use is:
[xml highlight=”3,9″]<configuration>
<compilation batch="false" />
<add name="iisnode" path="app.js" verb="*" modules="iisnode" />
<iisnode loggingEnabled="false" />

<rule name="myapp">
<match url="/*" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="app.js" />

Most of that should be pretty straightforward (redirect all calls to app.js), but notice the lines about compilation and logging; the permissions under which the appharbor deployment process runs for node projects doesn’t have access to the filesystem so can’t create anything in a “temp” dir (precompilation) nor write any log files upon errors. As such, you need to disable these.

You could also enable file system access and disable precompilation within your application’s settings – as far as I can tell, it does the same thing.



Commit that web.config to your repo, add a remote for appharbor, then push to it – any branch other than master, default, or trunk needs a manual deploy instead of it happening automatically, but you can specify the branch name to track within your appharbor application settings; I put in the branch name “appharbor” that I’ve been developing against and it automatically deploys when I push that branch or master, but not any others.

You’ll see your dashboard updates and deploys (automatic deployment if it’s a tracked branch):


And then you can browse to your app:




Getting started

Again, first step is to go and sign up for Azure – you can get a free trial, and if you only want to host up to 10 small websites then it’s completely free.

You’ll need to set up a new Azure website in order to be given your git remote endpoint to push to.


This is pretty similar to the AppHarbor process in that Azure Websites sit on Windows and IIS, so you need to define a web.config to set up IIS for node. The same web.config works as for AppHarbor.


Although you can push to Appharbor from any branch and it will only deploy automatically from the specific tracked branch, you can’t choose to manually deploy from within azure, so you either need to use [code]git push azure {branch}:master[/code] (assuming your remote is called “azure”) or you can define your tracked branch in the configuration section:


Following a successful push your dashboard updates and deploys:


And then your app is browsable:




Getting started

Sign up for a free account.


Heroku isn’t Windows based as it’s aimed at hosting Ruby, Node.js, Clojure, Java, Python, and Scala. What this means for our node deployment is that we don’t need a web.config to get the application running on Heroku. It’s still running on Amazon’s EC2 as far as I can tell though.

However, we do need to jump through several other strange hoops:


The procfile is a list of the “process types in an application. Each process type is a declaration of a command that is executed when a process of that process type is executed.” These can be arbitrarily named except for the “web” one which handles HTTP traffic.

For node, this Procfile needs to be:

[code]web: node app.js[/code]

Should I want to pass in command line arguments, as in the previous version of my basic node API code, I could do it in this file i.e. [code]web: node app.js mYAp1K3Y[/code]


Heroku Toolbelt

There’s a command line tool which you need to install in order to use Heroku, called the Toolbelt; this is the Heroku client which allows you to do a lot of powerful things from the command line including scaling up and down, and start and stopping your application.

Instead of adding heroku as a git remote yourself you need to open a command line in your project’s directory and run [code]heroku login[/code]and then[code]heroku create[/code]
Your application space will now have been created within Heroku automatically (no need to log in and create one first) as well as your git remote; this will have the default name of “heroku”

Deploying code is still the same as before [code]git push heroku master[/code]

In Heroku you do need to commit to master to have your code built and deployed, and I couldn’t find anywhere to specify a different tracking branch.

Before that we need to create the last required file:
"name": "rposbo-basic-node-hosting-options",
"author": "Robin Osborne",
"description": "the node.js files used in my blog post about a basic node api being hosted in various places (github, azure, heroku)",
"version": "0.0.1",
"engines": {
"node": "0.8.x",
"npm": "1.1.x"

This file is used by npm (node package manager) to install the module dependencies for your application; e.g. express, jade, stylus. Even though our basic API project has no specifc dependencies, the file is still required by Heroku in order to define the version of node and npm to use (otherwise your application simply isn’t recognised as a node.js app).

Something to consider is that Heroku doesn’t necessarily have the same version of node installed as you might; I defined 0.8.16 and received an error upon deployment which listed the available versions (the highest at time of writing is 0.8.14). I decided to define my required version as “0.8.x” (any version that is major 0 minor 8).

However, if you define a version of node in the 0.8.x series you must also define the version of npm. A known issue, apparently. Not only that, it needs to be specifically “1.1.x”.

Add these settings into the “engines” section of the package.json file, git add, git commit, and git push to see your dashboard updated:


And then your app – with a quite random URL! – is available:


If you have problems pushing due to your existing public keys not existing within heroku, run the following to import them [code]heroku keys:add[/code]

You can also scale up and down your number of instances using the Heroku client: [code]heroku ps:scale web=1[/code]


The Heroku Toolbelt is a really useful client to have; you can check your logs with [code]heroku logs[/code] and you can even leave a trace session open using [code]heroku logs –tail[/code], which is amazing for debugging problems.

The error codes you encounter are all listed on the heroku site as is all of the information on using the Heroku Toolbelt logging facility.

A quick one: if you see the error “H14”, then although your deployment may have worked it hasn’t automatically kicked off a web role – you can see this where it says “dyno=” instead of “dyno=web.1”; you just need to run the following command to start one up: [code]heroku ps:scale web=1[/code]

Also – make sure you’ve created a Procfile (with capitalised “P”) and that it contains [code]web: node app.js[/code]


Ok, so we can now easily deploy and host our API. The files that I’ve been working with throughout this post are on github; everything has been merged into master (both heroku files and web.config) so it can be deployed to any of these hosts.

There are also separate branches for Azure/Appharbor and Heroku should you want to check the different files in isolation.

Next Up

Node packages!

AppHarbor, Heroku, Git, and the Sweet, Sweet CI Process

The background: I thought that my Mobile TFL Bus Countdown site might be suddenly very popular for a very short time (for about a weekend perhaps) and didn’t want to pay for the potential sudden jolt in hosting costs from my own servers. As such, I developed it locally using git as VCS, pushed it to my newly acquired Appharbor account, and just saw it suddenly available to browse at

The pitch: For your own small website/app you probably edit it locally on your PC, maybe you even have source control like a good dev, you’ll compile the code and then you’ll copy it to your hosting provider, probably using FTP/ via a web interface/ SCP/ SSH.

Then at work you’re probably shouting about how awesome CI builds are and how to introduce continuous deployment as part of a branching and build strategy.

You might even use Azure or EC2 at work, maybe for your own little home projects too. Maybe you’ve learned a bit of git but your office uses TFS (ugh) or SVN (meh).

So why not do this for your own stuff? For free? In the cloud?

Imagine the ideal workflow: make some code changes –> commit them to (D)VCS –> push them to a (remote) repo –> the push kicks off a build the committed project (git hook) –> run any associated tests, then if they pass –> deploy the app to the cloud.

That’s exactly what Appharbor and Heroku do! Let’s start with the pretty one:


Heroku says it’s a “cloud application platform” for running scalable Ruby, Node.js, Clojure, and Java sites/apps. To create and deploy a new site is, apparently, as easy as:

[code gutter=”off”]$ heroku create
Created | [email protected]:sushi.git

$ git push heroku master
—–&gt; Heroku receiving push
—–&gt; Rails app detected
—–&gt; Compiled slug size is 8.0MB
—–&gt; Launching… done, v1 deployed to Heroku[/code]

So here the flow is: write some code –> commit to git –> push to Heroku –> code is built –> code is deployed. Done.

heroku homepage

The Heroku website is fantastically full of all the information you’d want to get started, and their pictorial representation of how their solution works and the various levels of databases you can buy are geek-awesome:

heroku databases

“This app needs a BAKU DATABASE!! GRRAARRRR!!” Go and have a look and bask in the beautiful piccies and animations. No wonder this is (apparently) the place to go to write and deploy cloud hosted Facebook apps.

Thanks to Heroku I’m finally beaing pushed to learn Ruby, but haven’t managed anything quite yet, hence no demo of the Heroku flow – wait a few more posts and I’ll have something Ruby-fied and certainly some Node.js as I’ve been meaning to get into that for a while, possibly even Clojure (sounds fun) and Java (old school!).

Next up is one for the .net crowd:


Appharbor sells itself as “Azure done right” which confused me. The website itself is verrrry low on information so I just assumed it would deploy my app to Azure. Turns out I was wrong:

appharbor chat on twitter

Despite my being pedantic over their homepage tagline I took the dive and just signed up. Only once you’ve done this do you get to see the money shot – the intro video; a new MVC app in Visual Studio to EC2 cloud via git + appharbor in a matter of minutes:

Now I have my account and I have a great intro vid I just hop into my code directory;

[code gutter=”off”]git init
git add .
git commit –m "init"
git remote add appharbor <git repo url appharbor gave me>
git push appharbor master[/code]

And that’s it. Committed code is checked out on their servers, built, any associated tests are executed, if everything passes then it gets deployed – and you can see all this from your Appharbor account:

appharbor deployment

(mine didn’t actually have anything to build, as it was a single html page and that really basic asmx web proxy I wrote).

In conclusion; you now have absolutely no excuse to not write and deploy whatever applications you feel like writing. There is no hosting to worry about, no build server – it just works. Use Appharbor for your .Net and use Heroku as an excuse to look at their pretty pictures and learn something that’s not .Net.

I know I will.

Comments appreciated.