Scripting the setup of a developer PC, Part 3 of 4 – Installing.. uh.. everything.. with Chocolatey.

This is part three of a four part series on attempting to automate installation and setup of a development PC with a few scripts and some funky tools. If you haven’t already, why not read the introductory post about ninite or even the second part about the command line version of WebPI? Disclaimer: this series was inspired by a blog from Maarten Balliauw.

Installing.. uh.. everything..: Chocolatey

Chocolatey is sort of “apt-get for windows” using powershell; it doesn’t quite achieve that yet, but the idea is the same; imagine nuget + apt-get. It works exactly like nuget but is meant to install applications instead of development components. The next release will support webpi from within chocolatey, but more on that in a moment.

There’s not much to look at yet, but that’s the point; you just type what you want and it’ll find and install it and any dependencies. I want to install virtualclonedrive, some sysinternals goodies, msysgit, fiddler, and tortoisesvn.

Before you start, make sure you’ve relaxed Powershell’s execution policy to allow remote scripts:
[powershell]Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted[/powershell]

Ok, now we can get on with it. I can now execute a new powershell script to install choc and those apps:

[powershell]# Chocolatey
iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(‘’))

# install applications
cinst virtualclonedrive
cinst sysinternals
cinst msysgit
cinst fiddler
cinst tortoisesvn[/powershell]

This script will download (DownloadString) and execute (iex) the chocolatey install script from the URL, which is just a powershell script living in github:

This powershell script currently resolves the location of the chocolatey nuget package:

Then, since a nupkg is basically a zip file, the chocolatey script unzips it to your temp dir and fires off chocolateyInstall.ps1; this registers all of the powershell modules that make up chocolatey. The chocolatey client is essentially a collection of clever powershell scripts that wrap nuget!

Once chocolatey is installed, the above script will fire off “cinst” – an alias for “chocolatey install” – to install each listed application.

What’s even more awesome is that the latest – not yet on the “master” branch – version of Chocolatey can install using webpi. To get this beta version, use the extremely terse and useful command from Mr Chocolatey himself, Rob Reynolds (@ferventcoder):

Adding in the install of this beta version allows me to use choc for a few more webpi components:

[powershell]# Chocolatey
iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(‘’))

# install applications
cinst virtualclonedrive
cinst sysinternals
cinst msysgit
cinst fiddler
cinst tortoisesvn

# getting the latest build for webpi support: git clone git:// | cd chocolatey | build | cd _{tab}| cinst chocolatey -source %cd%
# I’ve already done this and the resulting nugetpkg is also saved in the same network directory:
cinst chocolatey –source “Z:\Installation\SetupDevPC\”

# Now I’ve got choc I may as well use it to install a bunch of other stuff from WebPI;
# things that didn’t always work when I put them in the looong list of comma delimited installs
cinst IIS7 -source webpi
cinst ASPNET -source webpi
cinst BasicAuthentication -source webpi
cinst DefaultDocument -source webpi
cinst DigestAuthentication -source webpi
cinst DirectoryBrowse -source webpi
cinst HTTPErrors -source webpi
cinst HTTPLogging -source webpi
cinst HTTPRedirection -source webpi
cinst IIS7_ExtensionLessURLs -source webpi
cinst IISManagementConsole -source webpi
cinst IPSecurity -source webpi
cinst ISAPIExtensions -source webpi
cinst ISAPIFilters -source webpi
cinst LoggingTools -source webpi
cinst MetabaseAndIIS6Compatibility -source webpi
cinst NETExtensibility -source webpi
cinst RequestFiltering -source webpi
cinst RequestMonitor -source webpi
cinst StaticContent -source webpi
cinst StaticContentCompression -source webpi
cinst Tracing -source webpi
cinst WindowsAuthentication -source webpi[/powershell]

Best bit about this? When you run the first command you’ll download and install the latest version of the specified executable. When this succeeds you’ll get:

[code] has finished successfully! The chocolatey gods have answered your request![/code]


You’ll hopefully see your Powershell window update like this a few times:
choc_install (click to embiggen)

But depending on your OS version (I’m using Windows Server 2008 R2) you might see a few alerts about the unsigned drivers you’re installing:

That doesn’t seem to be avoidable, so just click to install and continue.

You might also find that your own attempts to install the beta version of chocolatey fail with errors like these:
choc_install_choc_fail2 (click to embiggen)

This is due to how you reference the directory in which your beta choc nuget package lives. If you reference it from a root dir (e.g. “Z:\”) then it’ll fail. Put it in a subdirectory and you’re golden:
or using “%cd%” as the source dir (assuming you’re already in that dir):

So, with my new powershell script and the beta chocolatey nupkg, along with the existing script for ninite, webpi and their components, my PC Setup directory now looks like this:


The last part of this series focuses on installing other things that either can’t be done or just didn’t work using one of the previous options, a list of “interesting things encountered”, and a conclusion to the whole project; see you back in:

Scripting the setup of a developer PC, Part 4 of 4 – Installing Custom Stuff, Interesting Things Encountered, and Conclusion.

Update: The chocolatey “beta” I mentioned is actually now in the mainline.

Scripting the setup of a developer PC, Part 2 of 4 – Installing Frameworks and Components with WebPI

This is part two of a four part series on attempting to automate installation and setup of a development PC with a few scripts and some funky tools. If you haven’t already, why not read the introductory post about ninite? Disclaimer: this series was inspired by a blog from Maarten Balliauw.

Installing Frameworks and Components: WebPI

Microsoft’s Web Platform Installer makes finding and installing MS applications and components quite easy by bringing the way to find and install them into one central portal (when it works properly, that is.. grumblegrumble..):


It also comes in a command line flavour so you can script your component installation, and that’s what I’ll be using.

The list of available packages can be found with the “/list:available” parameter and it’s pretty long.

You can specify custom XML feeds to define your own products and applications to be installed; something that might be interesting to spin up a new instance of your company website on a new server, if you set your web server to run webpi from commandline using a custom feed pointing to the latest stable build of your web application (that’ll be an interesting follow up post at some point I think)!

A summary of the parameters available to you can be found here.

Fire up a command line and run “WebpiCmdLine.exe /List:available” to get a list of available products and applications. It didn’t look exhaustive to me, so I checked the xml locations listed at the beginning of this command:

For the current version of the WebPI (at time of writing this is v3.0) these are:


Trawling through these xml files you can see that apparently you can install VS2010SP1…


…but not SQL Tools (other than Express). I’ll get onto this lot shortly.


So for the meantime I’m now adding some more to my script to set up the .Net frameworks, Powershell, and Windows Installers:

REM Ninite stuff
cmd /C "Z:\Installation\SetupDevPC\Ninite_DevPC_Utils.exe"

REM WebPI stuff 
cmd /C "Z:\Installation\SetupDevPC\webpicmdline.exe /AcceptEula /SuppressReboot /Products:PowerShell,PowerShell2,NETFramework20SP2,NETFramework35,NETFramework4"

cmd /C "Z:\Installation\SetupDevPC\webpicmdline.exe /AcceptEula /SuppressReboot /Products:WindowsInstaller31,WindowsInstaller45"

Notice the multiple products are comma delimited but without spaces; it bombs if you put a space after the comma.

You can split each product install out into its own webpicmdline.exe call, but this ends up reloading the five xml feeds for each product, which can take an age.

However, I’ve had to split it onto a couple of lines as the install of Windows Installer 4 fails if it’s on the same line as .Net 4. It also requires you to reboot, so since you’ve suppressed this you’ll see some log messages looking like “install: SUCCESS” then “verification: FAILURE”:

[code]Started downloading: WindowsInstaller45
Started installing Products…
Started installing: WindowsInstaller45
Install completed (SuccessRebootRequired): Windows Installer 4.5
Reboot is required for product WindowsInstaller45. Install SUCCESS[/code]


[code]Verifying successful installation…
Windows Installer 4.5 False
Install of Products: FAILURE
Verifying successful log generation…
Windows Installer 4.5 Logs : False
Creation of Product Logs: FAILURE[/code]

uh.. BOOO! So you do actually need to reboot to get this to complete. As such, I’ve added in the final line for this file:

@echo off

REM Ninite stuff 
cmd /C "Z:\Installation\SetupDevPC\Ninite_DevPC_Utils.exe"

REM WebPI stuff 
cmd /C "Z:\Installation\SetupDevPC\webpicmdline.exe /AcceptEula /SuppressReboot /Products:PowerShell,PowerShell2,NETFramework20SP2,NETFramework35,NETFramework4" 

cmd /C "Z:\Installation\SetupDevPC\webpicmdline.exe /AcceptEula /SuppressReboot /Products:WindowsInstaller31,WindowsInstaller45"

shutdown /r /t 0 /d P:0:0

The install directory has grown a little bit too:



It’s getting a bit trickier now. There are issues with this, and I’ll sum it all up in part 4. However, next up is some sweet goodness:

Scripting the setup of a developer PC, Part 3 of 4 – Installing.. uh.. everything.. with Chocolatey.

Update: there is now a v4 of WebPI command line that requires “/install” as the first parameter and is called WebPICmd instead of webpicmdline. Since I’d downloaded v3, that’s the version I’m scripting for. Check out v4 though, as it has added support for “offline mode”; you can download the installers and dependencies for any number of products (to a network share perhaps) and install from there instead of the interwebs – I will do a follow up article doing exactly that 😉

Scripting the setup of a developer PC, Part 1 of 4 – Installing Applications & Utilities with Ninite

Setting up a development PC can be a bit of a pain, unless you’re smart and create an image following the setup of a brand new vanilla install. But who’s organised enough to do that?! I’ll get onto that option in another post, but this one is more an excuse to play with interesting stuff.

I thought I’d have a play with coding up a set of scripts to do as much of this setup as possible instead; there are a few tools out there to do this sort of thing, and I’ve gone with ninite, webpi, and chocolatey.


I’ll start with the intended ideal option for each tool, and then go into how this doesn’t work perfectly and why, and what the other options are. Part 1 of this series of 4 is for the easiest tool of all:


Installing Applications & Utilities: ninite

This site allows you to create a single exe installer which contains your own selection of a large number of applications/frameworks/utilities:


For an ASP.Net developer PC I’ve gone with Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox, Skype, VLC, Flash, Air, Java, Silverlight, Launchy, 7-Zip, WinSCP, PuTTY, Notepad++, WinMerge, Paint.NET, PDFCreator, Reader, DropBox, and Everything Search for my installer. This installer can be called from the command line but the basic version still opens a graphical interface; however no interaction is required. The Pro version comes with a command line installer, but I’ll not be using that.

Ninite Pro is absolutely awesome: you can remotely manage installed software and software patches within your network with a silent install process.



So far my install script set looks like this; pretty bare:

[batch]@echo off
REM Ninite stuff
cmd /C Z:\Installation\SetupDevPC\Ninite_DevPC_Utils.exe[/batch]

And the installation directory is merely one script and one exe:


That was dead simple! Lovely! Coming up next – something a bit messier:

Scripting the setup of a developer PC, Part 2 of 4 – Installing Frameworks and Components with WebPI.

Git on Windows: Debugging Problems With Msysgit

Getting git working on Linux is really simple: apt-get install git, ssh-keygen –t rsa –C “[email protected]”, cat ~/.ssh/, copy to clipboard, paste in your git repo host, ssh [email protected] (accept the new host key), git clone [email protected]:/yourproject.git, bam, done.


Getting it working with Windows can be a right sod. Or it can be equally simple if you’ve not already tried loads of different methods, leaving loads of other conflicting apps installed.

The Good:

If you follow the github Windows setup tutorial you’ll be pretty much there already.

The Bad:

If you’ve already installed things such as TortoiseGit and PuTTY you may see some confusing errors.

Those along the lines of

[bash]FATAL_ERROR Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available[/bash]


[bash]FATAL_ERROR The remote end hung up unexpectedly[/bash]

are usually related to your public key not being correctly used in the connection.

If you can ssh correctly to the repo I found that this can happen if you have the wonderful PuTTY installed and have pageant (key manager) running somewhere, forcing msysgit to use pageant as the key manager instead of OpenSSH (assuming you selected the OpenSSH option in the msysgit installation).

Some say to update the GIT_SSH environment variable (I didn’t have one to delete, so this didn’t help me much). I ended up deleting PuTTY (overkill) and Pageant and ensuring no related processes were running.


If you get errors along the lines of “access denied” when you try to view or delete a repo:

Following the answer to this SO post; the first step is to see what is locking the file. Pop over to sysinternals and make sure you have the wonderful Process Explorer to hand.

You’ll most likely find that the process in question is TGitCache – a process related to TortoiseGit. Kill the process and uninstall if you don’t use it.


TeamCity + Git + NuGet + AppCmd= automated versioned deployments V1

Attempting to implement a Continuous Deployment workflow whilst still having fun can be tricky. Even more so if you want to use reasonably new tech, and even more if you want to use free tech!

If you’re not planning on using one of the cloud CI solutions then you’re probably (hopefully) looking at something like TeamCity, Jenkins, or CruiseControl.Net. I went with TeamCity after having played with CruiseControl.Net and not liked it too much and having never heard of Jenkins until a few weeks ago.. ahem..

So; my intended ideal workflow would be along the lines of:

  • change some code
  • commit to local git
  • push to remote repo
  • TeamCity picks it up, builds, runs tests, etc (combining and minifing static files – but that’s for another blog post)
  • creates a nuget package
  • deploys to a private nuget repo
  • subscribed endpoint servers pick up/are informed of the updated package
  • endpoint servers install the updated package

Here’s where I’ve got with that so far:


1) On the development machine

a. Within your VisualStudio project ensure the bin directory is included

I need the compiled dlls to be included in my nuget package, so I’m doing this since I’m using the csproj file as the package definition file for nuget instead of a nuspec file.

Depending on your VCS IDE integration, this might have nasty implications which are currently out of scope of my proof of concept (e.g. including the bin dir in the IDE causes the DLLs to be checked into your VCS – ouch!). I’m sure there are better ways of doing this, I just don’t know them yet. If you do, please leave a comment!

In case you don’t already know how to include stuff into your Visual Studio project (hey, I’m not one to judge! There’s plenty of basic stuff I still don’t know about my IDE!):

i. The bin dir not included:


ii. Click the “don’t lie to me“ button*:


iii. Select “include in project”:


iv. The bin dir is now included:



b. Configure source control

Set up your code directory to use something that TeamCity can hook into (I’ve used SVN and Git successfully so far)

That’s about it.


2) On the build server

a. Install TeamCity

i. Try to follow the instructions on the TeamCity wiki

b. Install the NuGet package manager TeamCity add in

i. Head to the JetBrains TeamCity public repo

ii. Log in as Guest

iii. Select the zip artifact from either the latest tag (or if you’re feeling cheeky the latest build):


iv. Save it into your own TeamCity’s plugins folder

v. Restart your TeamCity instance

(The next couple of steps are taken from Hadi Hariri’s blog post over at JetBrains which I followed to get this working for me)

vi. Click on Administration | Server Configuration. If the plug-in installed correctly, you should now have a new Tab called NuGet


vii. Click on the “Install additional versions of the NuGet.exe Command Line”. TeamCity will read from the feed and display available versions to you in the dialog box. Select the version you want and click Install



c. Configure TeamCity

i. Set it up to monitor the correct branch

ii. Create a nuget package as a build step, setting the output directory to a location that can be accessed from your web server; I went for a local folder that had been configured for sharing:


In addition to this, there is a great blog post about setting your nuget package as a downloadable artifact from your build, which I’m currently adapting this solution to use; I’m getting stuck with the Publish step though, since I only want to publish to a private feed. Hmm. Next blog post, perhaps.


3) On the web server (or “management” server)

a. Install NuGet for the command line

i. Head over to

ii. Select the command line download:


iii. Save it somewhere on the server and add it to your %PATH% if you like


b. Configure installation of the nuget package

i. Get the package onto the server it needs to be installed on

Using Nuget, install the package from the TeamCity package output directory:
[code]nuget install "<MyNuGetProject>" –Source <path to private nuget repo>[/code]
[code]nuget install "RposboWeb" –Source \\build\_packages\[/code]
This will generate a new folder for the updated package in the current directory. What’s awesome about this is it means you’ve got a history of your updates, so breaking changes notwithstanding you could rollback/update just by pointing IIS at a different folder.

Which brings me on to…

ii. Update IIS to reference the newly created folder

Using appcmd, change the folder your website references to the “content” folder within the installed nuget package:
[code]appcmd.exe set vdir "<MyWebRoot>/" /physicalpath:"<location of installed package>\content"[/code]
[code]appcmd.exe set vdir "RposboWeb/" /physicalpath:"D:\Sites\RposboWeb 1.12\content"[/code]

So, the obvious tricky bit here is getting the name of the package that’s just been installed in order to update IIS. At first I thought I could create a powershell build step in TeamCity which takes the version as a parameter and creates an update batch file using something like the below:
[code]param([string]$version = "version")
$stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] "c:\_NuGet\install_latest.bat"
$stream.WriteLine("nuget install \"<MyNugetProject>\" –Source <path to private nuget repo>")
$stream.WriteLine("\"%systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe\" set vdir \"<MyWebRoot>/\" /physicalpath:\"<root location of installed package>" + $version + "\content\"")
However, my powershell knowledge is miniscule so this automated installation file generation isn’t working yet…

I’ll continue working on both this installation file generation version and also a powershell version that uses IIS7 administration provider instead of appcmd.

In conclusion

  • change some code – done (1)
  • commit to local git – done (1)
  • push to remote repo – done (1)
  • TeamCity picks it up, builds, runs tests, etc – done (2)
  • creates a nuget package – done (2)
  • deploys to a private nuget repo – done (2)
  • subscribed endpoint servers pick up/are informed of the updated package – done/in progress (3)
  • endpoint servers install the updated package – done/in progress (3)

Any help on expanding my knowledge gaps is appreciated – please leave a comment or tweet me! I’ll add another post in this series as I progress.


NuGet private feeds
TeamCity nuget support
Nuget command line reference |
IIS7 & Powershell

* to steal a nice quote from Scott Hanselman

TeamCity and MSBuild Quirks #2

If your build works just peachy on your own PC but bombs out on your TeamCity server with the error “Default parameter specifiers are not permitted”, head over to your build step and update the Tools Version to 4.0

Build step tools version

This way your CI build will be targetting C# 4, the version that introduced optional parameters. And yes, I realise that the correct solution here is to not have optional parameters in your codebase; the codebase is new to me and I haven’t refactored them all out yet!


TeamCity and MSBuild Quirks #1

I’m using a postbuild event to fire off resgen and AL to create DLLs from resource files (for nice multilingual content). This event looks a bit like:

"$(WindowsSDKDir)bin\resgen.exe" "$(SolutionDir)\Langfr.resx"
"$(WindowsSDKDir)bin\AL" /t:lib /culture:fr /embed:"$(SolutionDir)Langfr.resources" /out:"$(SolutionDir)bin\"

As such, when I build this locally from either VS2010 or MSBuild hitting the csproj file, all is fine. The resx file is picked up by resgen and creates a resources file, which is in turn picked up by AL and embedded into a dll. It actually appears in the build log/command line as something similar to:

  "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\bin\resgen.exe" "..\Lang\fr.resx"
  "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\bin\AL" /t:lib /culture:fr /embed:"..\Lang\fr.resources" /out:"..\bin\"

However, when I committed this into my branch and saw TeamCity pick it up, even though the build appeared to pass the build log shows the truth:

[PostBuildEvent] Exec
[Exec] "bin\resgen.exe" "..\Lang\fr.resx" "bin\AL" /t:lib /culture:fr /embed:"..\Lang\fr.resources" /out:"..\bin\"

Eh? Where’s the path to the  Windows SDK? Maybe it’s not installed on the Build Server. Fine, I’ll pop off and install it. And restart. And try again. Still the same result. What’s up with that? I whacked in a <Message> tag to output the value of $(WindowsSDKDir)… and it shows the correct path!

I still don’t understand why the value of $(WindowsSDKDir) is correctly set, but when used in a post build event it appears to be empty. If anyone can help with that, please let me know.

So, to my hack: I have yet to discover the correct way to fix this so have instead edited the MSBuild build step on the CI server to override the empty value with a specific one (i.e., the location of the windows SDK on the build server):

TeamCity Build Step Parameter

(A little tip: for some reason I needed to remove the trailing quote from the path parameter else it resulted in “C:\blahblah\”bin\resgen.exe” instead of “C:\blahblah\bin\resgen.exe”)

TeamCity doesn’t approve of this and instead suggests you use a TeamCity Build Parameter instead of an MSBuild parameter; unfortunately I couldn’t get this to work so am sticking with the command line parameter, as above. If anyone can inform me how to do this correctly, I’d appreciate it.