AI Awesomeness Part Deux! Microsoft Cognitive Services Speaker Identification

In a recent article I introduced Microsoft Cognitive Services’ Speaker Verification service, using a recording of a person repeating one of a set of key phrases to verify that user by their voiceprint. The second main feature of the Speaker Recognition API is Speaker Identification, which can compare a piece of audio to a selection […]

AI Awesomeness! Microsoft Cognitive Services Speech Verification

Microsoft have been consistently ramping up their AI offerings over the past couple of years under the grouping of “Cognitive Services”. These include some incredible offerings as services for things that would have required a degree in Maths and a deep understanding of Python and R to achieve, such as image recognition, video analysis, speech […]

Generating Image Hashtags using Microsoft’s Computer Vision API

Whatever your social media tool of choice is these days, it’s almost guaranteed to be filled with images and their associated hashtags #sorrynotsorry #lovelife #sunnyday Sometimes coming up with those tags is more work than perfectly framing your latest #flatlay shot. In the age of amazing image recognition tech, it must be possible to create […]

Virtual Shop Assistant Chatbot with Amazing Image Recognition

There has been some significant progress in “deep learning”, AI, and image recognition over the past couple of years; Google, Microsoft, and Amazon each have their own service offering. But what is the service like? How useful is it? Everyone’s having a go at making a chatbot this year (and if you’re not, perhaps you […]