BotFramework: Avoiding have to make everything [Serializable]

In the last article I touched on how IoC is used within botframework using Autofac.

If you’re comfortable with IoC, you probably started to enhance your dialogs using constructor injection, so that you can put your conversation logic outside of your entry point and just start coding without needing an implementation to exist yet, e.g.,

public class ResolvingDialog : IDialog<object>
    private readonly IMessageRepository _messageRepository;

    public ResolvingDialog(IMessageRepository messageRepository)
        _messageRepository = messageRepository;

    public async Task StartAsync(IDialogContext context)
        await context.PostAsync($"Hi!");

    public async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<IMessageActivity> argument)
        var message = await argument;
        await _messageRepository.SaveMessage(message);

        await context.PostAsync($"working now");

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