The HTML5 “email” input type is great for short-cutting the usual email validation javascript mess. Just by defining your input box as “type=’email'” you get validation for free (in modern browsers).
But how do you hook into this? Perhaps change the message or do some other actions at the same time? Check out the “invalid” event:
$("#email-input").on(‘invalid’, function (e) {
// do stuff
Or if you’re old school
document.getElementById(’email-input’).addEventListener(‘invalid’, function(e){
// do stuff
This returns a ValidtyState object on which you have the following properties:
- badInput
- customError
- patternMismatch
- rangeOverflow
- rangeUnderflow
- stepMismatch
- tooLong
- typeMismatch
- valid
- valueMissing
So you can work with it like so:
$("#email-input").on(‘invalid’, function (e) {
if ( {
alert("enter a valid email address!");
Or you could even override the default message that appears in the tooltip:
$("#email-input").on(‘invalid’, function (e) {
if ( {"enter a valid email address!");
Clever stuff, eh?
Keeping it nice and simple for implementing the validation in HTML, liked the specification for old school and new wave.
I liked your explanations. It could be easy to implement it on every HTML form.